ideaesq blog

A Selection of IP-related Posts by Schott, P.C.

Prop Head Reads: The Martian And A Brief History Of Time

(You can view my non-prop-head book thoughts here)The Martianby Andy Weir(The Martian started as a personal blog writing project ...
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Federal Circuit Broadens Application Of 35 USC 112(F)

US courts interpret patent claims written in a specific way under a special claim interpretation statute. Claims written ...
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Practical Topic: Systems of Personal Organization

By Stephen B. Schott You know when you have a thread hanging from a sweater. You give it a ...
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Fitting Software Claims Into Statutory Categories

By Stephen B. Schott Most patents and applications directed at software frame the claims in terms of processes. This ...
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Client Buzz: Check Out The Bee Book

The Bee Book is a beautiful book by Matthew Holbein and Emily Brooks of The Foliage Library, one of ...
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John Oliver’s Anti-Patent-Troll Rant: Simple Thinking

Up is down and right is left when my inbox fills up with 10 friends linking me to ...
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