ideaesq blog

A Selection of IP-related Posts by Schott, P.C.

Secret Sales Are Prior Art Under The America Invents Act

You sell something but keep the details of the sale a secret. Is this still a sale that ...
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USPTO Director Michelle Lee Resigns (Matal Named Acting Director)

USPTO Director Michelle Lee abruptly resigned today. There was speculation after President Trump’s election that she would not stay ...
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Supreme Court: Patent Infringement Lawsuits Only In State Of Incorporation Or Regular Place Of Business

The Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision (it does happen) today in TC Heartland LLC v Kraft Food Group ...
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Guest Post: Tax Credits and Incentives for Pennsylvania Businesses

I met Anne a few weeks ago at a Headroom event in Wayne. Her subject matter was news to me ...
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Patent Month In Review: March 2017

No Laches in Patent Infringement CasesThe Supreme Court addressed the distinction between laches and statutes of limitations in patent ...
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Supreme Court: No Laches Defense In Patent Infringement Actions

Equity aids the vigilant, not those who slumber on their rights. This is a legal maxim that speaks ...
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