ideaesq blog

A Selection of IP-related Posts by Schott, P.C.

Most (and Least) Popular IdeaEsq Articles of 2014

By Stephen B. SchottIn 2014, I published 39 articles. My goal was one a week so I fell short, ...
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Federal Circuit Identifies Software as Patentable Subject Matter (post Alice)

By Stephen B. SchottSoftware has been patentable subject matter for a long time but following this summer’s Supreme Court Alice v. CLS ...
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IP Law For Startups: A Primer Presentation

I gave this short presentation at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School this past week. The idea was ...
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Older Supreme Court Cases Provide Guidance For Determining Patentable Subject Matter Post Alice

By Stephen B. SchottThe question on almost every patent attorney’s mind these days is: “What is patentable subject matter ...
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Patent Law For The Lay Person: What Do The Words In A Patent Claim Mean?

An Article in Schott, P.C.’s IP Law For Start-ups SeriesAlmost weekly, I have a conversation with someone who looks ...
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A Beautiful Mind Nobel Laureate’s Theory Is No Good For Calculating Patent Damages

Imagine you own several patents for software related to video calling over wireless networks. And further imagine that ...
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